Sport zone

Given that outdoor training is the most effective and useful, street sports are becoming more popular every day, if recently our neighbor or friend who runs in the morning, caused confusion or sympathy, then today there is a desire to join them.

Becoming the owner of a property in our complex, you will be able to take advantage of all the benefits of street training:

  • You set the time yourself. Taking into account your physical abilities, you adjust the frequency and intensity of classes.
  • No need to pay for a gym membership. You save money.
  •  Due to the increased oxygen content, the body's metabolism is accelerated, and calories are burned faster, which makes training in the fresh air more effective.
  •  In the summer, with the sun's rays, we get vitamin D, which is necessary for the normal functioning of muscles and bone tissue. In winter, at low temperatures, the body is hardened, all this increases our immunity.

Training on the street - maximum benefit, minimum equipment.

And what, if not the native air of the Armenian mountains, will allow you to get Maxim from sports?